Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3,2013

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class went over our homework that we had last night. Our homework was to identify a few Greek terms. We went over the words agora, arete, polis, the year of 508 BC, and Socrates. The terms we did not get a chance to go over in class were, the death of Socrates, the Socratic Method, and what the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot. I know that we will go over these in class tomorrow tough. Mr. Schick had us tell the class what definition we got, and he would say if that was right or if it could be something different, then he explained what the term meant and even acted out some of the words to give us a better understanding of the words. Also, Mr. Schick even informed us that everyone in our class was passing, except one person!!

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