Wednesday, September 18, 2013

September 18

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geo class we talked more about globalization and sweatshops. We shared our slide shows that we made with Google slide show maker about globalization. Our group did not go first we went second. The first group that went, their slide show presentation was very good it was just like ours just a little different. Theirs included Pros and Cons about globalization. Some cons are people get treated poorly and paid little salary. And a pro is that you can make a lot of money selling all over the world and having poor workers that will work for low wages work for you. When we went ours had the same things except we had a page with just pictures and one of the pictures was a McDonald's picture. It had a guy that ruled some where  and he handed out these red books and made everyone have one and it was because he ruled, and in front of him was Ronald McDonald reading a little red book with the McDonald's logo on it. Then our slide show was basically over. That's what we did in human geo.

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