Tuesday, September 17, 2013

September 17

Today in Mr. Schick's human geo class we talked even more about globalization. But we mainly talked about Nike and their workers.  We talked about how some articles online say that Nike has changed its ways and is now paying its workers more but the article gave no information on how they changed or anything and some articles say that they still haven't changed at all.  The one that said they haven't changed that much said that Indonesia has Nike pay work $4 a day now instead of $1.25 but somehow Nike got the military of Indonesia to make all the people except $3.70 instead.  This is crazy because they can afford to pay dozens of athletes millions of dollars just to wear the brand but they cannot even pay work that spend long hard hours and hard labor to make the shoes decent pay to get them what they need to live.  That's what we did today in human geo.

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