Tuesday, September 10, 2013

August 10

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geo class we learned about globalization.  McDonald's was the main thing we talked about. We talked about how when McDonald's started it was just in the United States, then started to spread all over the world.  And one of the examples that Mr. Schick used was that when McDonald's spread to Japan people that lived there became more unhealthy.  Japanese people used to be extremely healthy but since McDonald's and fast food came along their health has gotten poorer. Globalization is a growth to a global or a worldwide scale. We also talked about why a lady sued McDonald's and Mr. Schick told us the real story  and that is the people were giving her the food too fast and she set the coffee down and then it spilled on her and that she didn't want to sue them she just wanted them to pay for her medical bills and the refused and she hired a lawyer and the sued McDonald's for how much they make off of coffee a day which is $9,000,000.

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