Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 6

Today in Mr. Schick’s human geography class we watched a video called, Did You Know?  It gave facts about American future and what we are up against in the world.  One of the facts in the video was the amount of honors students in India is greater than the number of kids in America. I was shocked to hear this because there is over a billion people in India and the amount of people in that land that is smaller than the USA has more honors kids then all of the kids combined in America.  Another fact was that the amount of Facebook users there are is so much that if Facebook were its own country it would be the third largest in the world! That’s how many people use social networking that was also very surprising. All over the world people are connecting with each other instantly from thousands of miles away.  But I think that the craziest fact of all is that soon China will be the number 1 country speaking English. Which is crazy because they are on a different continent on a completely different side of the world. And that isn’t even their first language! That’s what we learned today.

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