Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 13

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class we learned how to make a slide show with Google documents.  We broke off into small groups of 4 and crated one.  It was just like the Google document, one person had to create the document then send an e-mail to the others in the group and they would all join in and work on the presentation. It is exactly the same as the document one except it is like a power point. Our slide show was on globalization and my partners for the project are Charlotte, Hanna, and Claire.  My slide was on anti-globalization movement, and they are against the spread of large corporations all over the world.  For example McDonald's, they have spread to almost every or all countries in the world, and have taken over the fast food industry, some people like the people in the anti-globalization movement are against the spread of McDonald's and want it to stay in the US or even in just a couple of states. That's what we did today in Human Geo.

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