Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30

Today in Mr. Schick's human geo class we went over our world fact book answers. My group got all of the questions right. After we were done going over all of the questions and answers we started to watch a video about the country Sudan in Africa and their civil war that they were having with the Northerners of the country which were the Muslims and the Southerners of the country which were Christians. In the movie there are a couple of main characters  the first one introduced was named Panther Bior. He tells his story and what he experienced with the war. There was other characters that told the film makers about what they went through and they also told about a group of boys that traveled a very far distance to other countries to go to the U.N. refugee camps in Kakuma, Kenya which has a population of 86,000 Sudanese. That's what we did in Human Geography.

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