Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class we watched the same video we watched the other day. The video is about a group of boys from Sudan that want to escape the civil war that is being fought there and they wanted to get out of the country so the escaped to a different country into refugee camps and a group  of guys got to move to the United States to start a new life. They got assigned cities that they were going to live in and they were being flown to the United States to live there. They were experiencing things for the first time like electricity and even the most ordinary things to us like running water, a toilet, or even a shower. It was kind of funny to watch them experience these things for the first time, one of them even ate butter! Our government was not brining these guys over here for charity or for free so the government made a deal they had a certain amount of time to pay back the government for bringing them over here.

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