Saturday, October 12, 2013

october 11

Today in Mr. Schick's human geography class we took a test. The test was on the stuff we learned in Population and migration. The stuff we learned is population pyramids. population pyramids come in 3 different forms. They are Christmas tree, box and cup. The Christmas tree graph is developing nations.  a lot of people are born there but not a lot stay or make it to a certain age. The box graph would be for a nation that is already developed and this would be for a country like the united states. The same amount of people are 0-15, 15-60, and 60+. Then the cup. These are countries like Italy that people aren't being born in as much as people are moving there after they retire from other countries. That was just one part of the test. The other part was the terms we discussed on September 23. They had to do with a countries birth and death rate and stuff like that. It seemed pretty easy.

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