Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22

Today in Mr. Schick's human geo class we talked about the same thing we talked about yesterday. Yesterday we learned about the 3 factors that influence common heritage. Those 3 things are language, ethnic heritage, and religion. We went over how in Ireland they fight over some things and how other countries in the world do. Today it was really just like yesterday except yesterday we didn't really talk because it was Monday and we had Mr. Schick first mod so it wasn't really that fun. But today Mr. Schick said that we talking a lot more. We also watched a video from the show the Newsroom about a girl that asks this guy why the US is the best country in the world and the guy tells everyone that it is not and that it was but now we are not. And that is what we did today in Mr. Schick's human geo class.

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