Monday, October 7, 2013

october 7

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geo class we watched the rest of our movie first. By the way it was Scott's birthday. Any way we watched the rest of the movie and the most important scene that we watched today and probably the best scene in the whole movie was when John Dau Bul was reunited with his mother that he hadn't seen in several years. It is actually kind of funny because his mom starts making all of these weird sounds and dancing through the airport but it is cute because that is the first time they have seen each other in such a long time. After that we talked about a website called Kiva. This website lets you loan people in poor countries that need money for their business so they can get the supplies they need. The minimum amount of money to loan is 25 dollars.  And when these people get enough money they pay you back al of the money you loan.

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