Wednesday, October 9, 2013

october 9

today in Mr. Schick's human geo class I can honestly say that we didn't do much. at least that is what it felt like. the first thing that happened was Mr. Schick asked mean to calculate some test scores. the test scores were from the average of our class that got on the test. our average was 81% the second highest, the lowest class average was a 72%! Then after that we continued with the same slide show that we were looking at yesterday. We basically went over the different shapes of the graphs again and why they are that shape. Then after that Mr. Schick let us try and guess why the graphs looked that way. One of them was a lot of teenagers and 20 some year olds, with not a lot of kids or adults and it was in Michigan. And the reason for that ended up being because of the University of Michigan was nearby and the kids went there. And it has such a large number of students they live all over Michigan. That is what we did in Mr. Schick's Human Geo class today.

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