Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A fun Class

Today in Mr. Schick's human geo class we had fun. The first thing we did was okay it wasn't really fun but it killed time so I enjoyed that. We went over our quizzes we took right before the quarter ended on Friday. After that we presented our slide shows about our religions we were assigned. Charlotte and Laura were in my group and our religion was Islam. It was pretty easy to get information on and it was similar to Christianity and other religions. It is the second largest religion in the world and it has 1.6 members of the world population are Muslim. When we were presenting it was fun because we got to act like teachers and yell at students so that was cool. After us was John, Angela, and I cant remember the other person and they did Hinduism and that religion is basically people that don't want to be part of a religion or they don't believe in a god. It is the third largest religion in the world.

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