Monday, October 28, 2013

Not an ordinary Monday

today in Mr. Schick's human geo class it was Monday. Usually Mondays are drowsy and boring. This Monday seemed a little different. it wasn't as boring. Mr. Schick decided instead of giving us a boring lecture, he was going to give us fun group work. my group was originally john, Laura and I but me and Laura decided to trade john for charlotte. let me just get this out of the way Laura isn't that great of giving her share of group work. but charlotte works and as usual she claimed to do all of the work. I disagree. any way our topic was Islam and it was pretty easy it is similar to Christianity so that was good. we actually made a lot of slides which was good I made like 4 slides which is good. and so that's what we did in Mr. Schick's human geo class today.

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