Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Spetember 4


Today in Mr. Schick’s Human Geography class we first went over the rest of the Greek terms we had for homework over the weekend.  The terms we went over today were Socrates, the death of Socrates, the Socratic Method, and what the ancient Greeks meant if they called you and idiot. First we talked about Socrates, Mr. Schick told us a story about how Socrates went to a party with good looking people and when he had a little too much to drink he started to tell all of these good looking people that he was better looking than all of these people that were clearly more attractive then him.  He was saying that he had bigger eyes because he could see more and because he had a big nose he could smell more. What he was trying to say is that he had better features then the good looking people. We did not get to go over all of the terms yet but we will get to them the next time we have class on Friday. We also spent a bit of time talking and trying to find out if it was legal to marry your horse in Texas, that is probably why we only got to talk about one of the Greek terms that we had for homework.

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