Wednesday, August 28, 2013

August 28

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class we learned a couple things. The first thing we learned was how to properly send Mr. Schick the URL to our blog.  About half of the class did not send in their blogs the right way, luckily I did.  The second thing we learned about, while people were figuring out how to correctly send their blogs to Mr. Schick, he was explaining how the Blogger works. We did not do a whole lot to day in Human Geography because for one it was only the second day of school and the first time Mr. Schick actually met us. But I like the whole blog thing I think it makes what we learned in class that day more interesting than just having to remember it.  And I can already tell that Mr. Schick is a really fun teacher that will make everything as interesting as possible even though it is still school, and that this year's Human Geography class will be very fun.                        

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