Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Today in Mr. Schick's human geo class we appreciated and listened to our peers slide show presentations on the religions our human geography teacher Mr. Schick assigned them. Today two and a half groups went. The first one to go was the half group they were finishing their presentation on Hinduism. After that was Buddhism. This religion is the fourth largest and is popular in Asian countries. It has 300 - 500 million followers. Then after that was Christianity. they informed us that this religion is the largest in the world with over 2.1 billion followers! Wow! And as I was learning these religions I realized that Christianity and Islam, the religion my group covered, are a lot alike. It was a fun class but it was especially fun when Mr. Schick left the room. we didn't do anything bad but it was like a nice ten minute break because we didn't really do anything. That is what we did in Mr. Schick's human geo class today.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A fun Class

Today in Mr. Schick's human geo class we had fun. The first thing we did was okay it wasn't really fun but it killed time so I enjoyed that. We went over our quizzes we took right before the quarter ended on Friday. After that we presented our slide shows about our religions we were assigned. Charlotte and Laura were in my group and our religion was Islam. It was pretty easy to get information on and it was similar to Christianity and other religions. It is the second largest religion in the world and it has 1.6 members of the world population are Muslim. When we were presenting it was fun because we got to act like teachers and yell at students so that was cool. After us was John, Angela, and I cant remember the other person and they did Hinduism and that religion is basically people that don't want to be part of a religion or they don't believe in a god. It is the third largest religion in the world.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Not an ordinary Monday

today in Mr. Schick's human geo class it was Monday. Usually Mondays are drowsy and boring. This Monday seemed a little different. it wasn't as boring. Mr. Schick decided instead of giving us a boring lecture, he was going to give us fun group work. my group was originally john, Laura and I but me and Laura decided to trade john for charlotte. let me just get this out of the way Laura isn't that great of giving her share of group work. but charlotte works and as usual she claimed to do all of the work. I disagree. any way our topic was Islam and it was pretty easy it is similar to Christianity so that was good. we actually made a lot of slides which was good I made like 4 slides which is good. and so that's what we did in Mr. Schick's human geo class today.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

All Over The Place

Today in a very talkative human geography class with Mr. Schick we discussed a lot. One thing that was a big talk of class today was jail and marijuana. Weird, right? Mr. Schick mentioned that when he went to visit his daughter in college in Boston they were in a park and people we smoking pot right in the middle of every thing. When Mr. Schick asked his wife why people were doing this she told him that if you are caught smoking pot in public it is only a $10 fine! That seems crazy. Then people started asking questions and that led up to Mr. Schick telling us about how he went to a jail one time and they showed him the Life or Death row and this was just people in jail for life or awaiting the death penalty. And then the guards showed them a box filled with sharp sort of like knives made out of metal the inmates have found. Then of course Laura started yapping about something really stupid and got us all off topic and talking about tattoos on eyelids... and how her dog has eyes that when they are closed look open. Yeah so that is what we did today in human geo.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22

Today in Mr. Schick's human geo class we talked about the same thing we talked about yesterday. Yesterday we learned about the 3 factors that influence common heritage. Those 3 things are language, ethnic heritage, and religion. We went over how in Ireland they fight over some things and how other countries in the world do. Today it was really just like yesterday except yesterday we didn't really talk because it was Monday and we had Mr. Schick first mod so it wasn't really that fun. But today Mr. Schick said that we talking a lot more. We also watched a video from the show the Newsroom about a girl that asks this guy why the US is the best country in the world and the guy tells everyone that it is not and that it was but now we are not. And that is what we did today in Mr. Schick's human geo class.

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21

Today in Mr. Schick's Human geo class we went through a slide show. We talked a lot about common heritage. The 3 categories are language, religion, and ethnic heritage. In the language category we learned that English is basically the world language because if you wan to do any business with anyone in the world you should be able to speak English. And also we learned that in Switzerland they speak many languages and have no conflict and in the United States we don't even have an official language. Also we learned that there is countries that speak the same language and share many characteristics yet still fight. Then we learned about ethnic heritage of countries and how countries that are bordering each other and share very many similarities just can't get along. Then we learned about religion. Probably the most fought about thing in the world that causes many fights and attacks.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

october 11

Today in Mr. Schick's human geography class we took a test. The test was on the stuff we learned in Population and migration. The stuff we learned is population pyramids. population pyramids come in 3 different forms. They are Christmas tree, box and cup. The Christmas tree graph is developing nations.  a lot of people are born there but not a lot stay or make it to a certain age. The box graph would be for a nation that is already developed and this would be for a country like the united states. The same amount of people are 0-15, 15-60, and 60+. Then the cup. These are countries like Italy that people aren't being born in as much as people are moving there after they retire from other countries. That was just one part of the test. The other part was the terms we discussed on September 23. They had to do with a countries birth and death rate and stuff like that. It seemed pretty easy.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

october 9

today in Mr. Schick's human geo class I can honestly say that we didn't do much. at least that is what it felt like. the first thing that happened was Mr. Schick asked mean to calculate some test scores. the test scores were from the average of our class that got on the test. our average was 81% the second highest, the lowest class average was a 72%! Then after that we continued with the same slide show that we were looking at yesterday. We basically went over the different shapes of the graphs again and why they are that shape. Then after that Mr. Schick let us try and guess why the graphs looked that way. One of them was a lot of teenagers and 20 some year olds, with not a lot of kids or adults and it was in Michigan. And the reason for that ended up being because of the University of Michigan was nearby and the kids went there. And it has such a large number of students they live all over Michigan. That is what we did in Mr. Schick's Human Geo class today.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

october 8

today in Mr. Schick's human geo class we took a test. The test was on the movie we just watched called, "God Grew Tired of Us". The movie was really good and the test was also very easy. The test was actually kind of enjoyable because Angela brought donuts because it was her birthday. YUM! Any who, After we were done the test we started this power point. We had to take lots of notes on it. The power point was about Developing and developed countries rate of birth, death, and more. We learned about a Christmas tree sort of graph because it looks like a Christmas tree, a box sort of graph because it looks like a box, and a cup sort of graph which in my opinion does even really look like a cup it looks more like a snow cone, but that doesn't matter. We just took notes on it and that is what we did in Mr. Schick's human geo class.

Monday, October 7, 2013

october 7

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geo class we watched the rest of our movie first. By the way it was Scott's birthday. Any way we watched the rest of the movie and the most important scene that we watched today and probably the best scene in the whole movie was when John Dau Bul was reunited with his mother that he hadn't seen in several years. It is actually kind of funny because his mom starts making all of these weird sounds and dancing through the airport but it is cute because that is the first time they have seen each other in such a long time. After that we talked about a website called Kiva. This website lets you loan people in poor countries that need money for their business so they can get the supplies they need. The minimum amount of money to loan is 25 dollars.  And when these people get enough money they pay you back al of the money you loan.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

October 4

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geo class we did two things. First we went over our tests. Mr. Schick handed back our tests and if we got a 90 or above he rang a bell. He did not ring the bell for me... When we were going over our tests Mr. Schick gave us our answers back and then the actual test. When went over the answer we marked it on the original and corrected the ones we got wrong. After we did this we started to watch the movie again. We watched when John Dau organized that all of the lost boys from the camps, reunited with each other from the camps. And when they first saw each other for the first time in a couple of years, you could tell that they were so happy. That is all we got to do and watch in the movie. And that is what we did in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class today.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October 2

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class we watched the movie called "God Grew Tired of Us." Even though we only watched about 10 minutes of it today it was still good. We watched the part where we learn about their jobs. One of the guys, I forget his name, worked at a factory filling boxes with gasket things that are for cars. He had to leave for his job way before the sun was up and when he got to work he had to wait for two hours because the factory doesn't open until that time. Then after he got done that job he went to work at McDonald's. He worked so hard and for so long and was only making minimum wage. Then we learned that the guy now has his own foundation that helps people get a new start called the John Dau Foundation. And that is what we did in Mr. Schick's human geo class.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1

Today in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class we watched the same video we watched the other day. The video is about a group of boys from Sudan that want to escape the civil war that is being fought there and they wanted to get out of the country so the escaped to a different country into refugee camps and a group  of guys got to move to the United States to start a new life. They got assigned cities that they were going to live in and they were being flown to the United States to live there. They were experiencing things for the first time like electricity and even the most ordinary things to us like running water, a toilet, or even a shower. It was kind of funny to watch them experience these things for the first time, one of them even ate butter! Our government was not brining these guys over here for charity or for free so the government made a deal they had a certain amount of time to pay back the government for bringing them over here.