Monday, November 11, 2013

Geetting to Know the Leaders

Enrique Pena Nieto
He was always tidy and well kept, he was always dressed sharper then the other kids.
He did not study at an American university, and he became interested in politics is elementary school.

Xi Jinping
His daughter studies at Harvard in the USA
His father was involved in a social revolution that was big in the Chinese government.

Pranab Mukherjee
He wrote before getting into politics
He studied political science in college

Hamid Karzai
He tried to warn the USA that Taliban had connections with Al Qaeda and were planning an attack but his warning went unnoticed
He speaks many different languages including Hindi, French, English, Persian, and Peshto

Joachim Gauck
He survived the Soviets after then end of WW2
He got involved with communist movements to end crimes which jump started his political career

Queen Elizabeth II
Born into royalty so she was already in line for the throne
Had many generations of queens, kings, princesses, and princes as relatives.

Francois Hollande
He had a private boarding education in France
He volunteered in a campaign and got involved with politics.

Dilma Rousseff
She was captured and tortured for expressing her idea about the government but then became president
She has been divorced twice

Nicolas Maduro
First worked as a bus driver before becoming politically active
He was vice president but took over as president when Chavez died

Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
He is 93, has 22 children, and the youngest one was born when he was 79
He granted women the right to run for office and vote

Ali Khamenei
He was first the president then got re-elected and in 1989 became supreme leader
Does not like the USA, protested against the USA

Shimon Peres
He organized Israel's nuclear program, and is credited for Israel's first atomic bomb
He was in charge of securing military equipment in the late 1940s

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