Monday, November 4, 2013

Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

Today in Mr. Schick’s human geo class we retested and started a new unit. Because everyone did poorly on out religion tests Mr. Schick gave us a second chance because everyone deserves a second chance. I didn’t do so hot on the first test I got a 73 but on this one I got an 80 even though that is not the best score it still beats a 73. After that we started a power point on our new unit. The new unit is on political geography we also watched this video that was like 13 minutes long and this guy was talking and he was trying to be funny while explaining political geography but it was just not working out, he kept trying to make jokes about sheep and it was really bad. And so when we were done that we talked for a couple of minutes then class was over and that is what we did.

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