Tuesday, January 14, 2014


today in Mr Schick's human Geo class we watched some more of the video. We took notes on the video because we are going to have test on it. We were supposed to have a test tomorrow but we aren't anymore. We took important notes like what was Diamonds theory, and what makes his theory true. Some people were born and live in an area where it is easy to farm and others live in an area where it is not easy to farm. We took notes on stuff like that and that is what we did today in Mr. Schick's human Geo class.

Monday, January 13, 2014

a video

today in Mr. Schick's human Geo class we watched a video. It was very informative. Diamonds theory is that where people live and their environmental setting, reflects where they are in human rankings, with technology. I agree with him because the people of New Guinea do not have as much stuff as people in America. They seem to be very intelligent and know a lot of things when it comes to building and hunting and gathering and farming. but where they are globally and how their country is puts them low on the totem pole.  they aren't technologically advanced because they live in the middle of no where and that's how it has been for over 40,000 years. But in the USA. In the United States there is a lot of resources and it is a lot more adaptable then living in the forests of New Guinea.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Today in Mr. Schick's human geo class we talked about the first urban civilizations. Since or unit is called Urban Geography we talked about urban civilizations. These civilizations were the first to live with many people in one small area and lots of structures. Each civilization did things differently but all still lived together.For example their buildings. In one place they built up and made things tall in other places they didn't. We wrote notes in our notebook about this stuff from a slide show Mr. Schick made. That is what we did in Mr, Schick;s human geo class today.